71 Central St. Stoneham, MA 02180

Browsing Reflections

He is Risen! Alleluia! Alleluia!

          As We Believe, So We Must Live

          Our day of rejoicing has come! Jesus has triumphed over sin and death and brought salvation to the whole world. These past 40 days of Lent and the mysteries of Holy Week have been preparing us to hear and believe the words of the early disciples, "He is risen!" We have embraced our brokenness and lifted it up to the one who can heal us. As we believe so we must live. May the rejoicing of this day never cease in our lives. We are an EASTER PEOPLE. That means that we are broken but never despairing, we know the end of the story. On behalf of the staff, we wish all our families a blessed and joyful Easter season. We will be celebrating for 50 days because we know that Easter is a season and not a day! May you experience the peace, joy, and love of our God manifested in the victory of Jesus.