71 Central St. Stoneham, MA 02180

Browsing Pastor's Notes

Welcome Father Sijo and Thank You for your kindness and generosity

From the Pastor QuillDear Church,

I sincerely hope and pray that you and your families are healthy, doing well, and will be able to relax as we approach the summer months. As always, I want to thank you for all that you do for Saint Patrick Parish every day.

Also, I want to welcome with open arms Fr Sijo Jacob, my Carmelite twin brother, to the Parish. Fr. Sijo is a great blessing to the Saint Patrick Community. I have been praying for another good and Holy priest to assist us in our ranks and low and behold we are blessed to have Fr. Sijo join us. Not only is he a great blessing for the Parish and to live with…he is young, happy, healthy, and has a full head of hair!!!!!!!!

I want to thank everyone for their kindness, generosity, cards, gifts, love and well wishes during my recent diagnosis and illness. Since I’m still working behind the scenes, I wanted to bring everyone up to date on some recent developments for our Parish. As you know, we are continuing to install a new heating and air conditioning system in both school buildings which should be accomplished this summer. In conjunction with that, we are also putting new security measures in place to further ensure the safety of our children both in the school and in the Parish. This will also ensure further security for our parishioners as well.

Recently, I met with two different individuals, who would like to remain anonymous, who have pledged 50k and 200k respectively towards the new security system. I want to thank them both from the bottom of my heart. We are also looking to improve the sound system in the upper Church and microphones for the choir. We are in the process of receiving bids for that project as well as looking towards streaming possibilities for the Masses and Adoration in the Lower chapel. If anyone is interested in donating towards these projects please call the office staff at 781-438-0960. It would be greatly appreciated!

Please know that you are always in my Rosary!

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, pray for us!

Fr. Mario