Liturgical Ministries

Liturgical Ministries

Ministry Descriptions

  • Eucharistic Ministers

    Your willingness to serve as an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist, reflects not only a response to your Baptismal call to serve the people of God, but a commitment to Christ as you share in the preaching, teaching and leading aspects of the church.

    By offering the Eucharist, you recognize the Body of Christ in those to whom you minister, and ultimately you act as the Body of Christ by fully participating in the life of the parish and the wider community. Your willingness to commit to a monthly schedule, to prepare properly for your service and to arrive on time and dressed appropriately for your assigned Mass, further reflects that commitment.

    To serve as a Eucharistic Minister at Daily or Weekend Masses:

         Contact Diane McCarthy at 781-438-0200.

    To serve as a Homebound Minister where you bring Communion to the sick or shut-ins:

         Contact Diane McCarthy at 781-438-0200.

    New! - A new procedure for disposing of consecrated hosts that have been dropped or partially consumed but not swallowed. Read More »

    Eucharistic Minister Handbook
  • Lectors

    The ministry of a Lector is a wonderful work, and an extremely rewarding ministry. Lectors have a critical role in the celebration of the Mass. Since the Lector proclaims not just any word, but the Word of God, it is essential that he or she develops the skills required to communicate God’s message competently.

    The call to be a Lector is something that demands preparation. In becoming a Lector, you are accepting the responsibility to do your best, to practice and to continually look for ways to improve your ability to communicate the Word of God clearly to the congregation. As a Lector you are entrusted with some of the most powerful stories that have been handed down to us from generation to generation in both the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament; stories that God continues to speak through those called into the various ministries of the Church. To be a lector is to be given an opportunity for your own personal growth in Jesus. Lectors proclaim the Word of God. They act as the voice of Christ at the Eucharist Assembly and other prayer services.

    To serve as a Lector at Daily or Weekend Masses:

         Contact Diane McCarthy at 781-438-0200.

    New! - We have new protocols for Lectors. Read More »

    Lector Handbook
  • Altar Servers

    Boys and girls who have celebrated their First Eucharist are welcomed and encouraged to take an active role in ministry by assisting with the tasks involved in our liturgical celebrations.

    Please email Deacon Frank Dello Russo @, or call him at 781-438-2498.

  • Ushers

    The Usher/Greeter - Minister of Hospitality is a person chosen to reflect the warmth and welcome of Christ himself. Always conscious of Christ’s words: "I was a stranger and you welcomed me". The Ministry of Hospitality is open to all - women and men. Couples and families are encouraged to join this ministry.

    The faith of the Ushers enables them to see Christ's presence in individuals and in the gathered community of believers. Ushers can handle emergency situations with courage and aplomb. They carry a dignity about themselves even when performing necessary menial tasks.

    If you feel this may be a way in which you can give service to God and your church reach out to one of our ushers when you come to worship at Mass. You can also give Deacon Frank Dello Russo a call @ 781-438-2498. Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support for our church.

    Usher Handbook
  • Adult Acolyte

    One of the most important ministries here at Saint Patrick Church is the ministry of Funeral Servers or ‘Acolytes’ as we sometimes call them. When we read from St. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians 12:26 .......

         "If one member suffers in the body of Christ which is the Church,

            all the members suffer with that member."

              .... we may find ourselves being called into God’s service.

    We who are baptized into Christ and nourished at the same table of the Lord are responsible for one another. When a member of Christ's Body dies, we, the faithful, are called to offer consolation to those who have suffered the loss of one whom they love. This ministry is part of the pastoral care by the community to those who have lost a loved one.

    Adult parishioners act as altar servers at the Funeral Mass of a fellow-parishioner. They accompany the celebrant as he greets the family and receives the body in the entrance procession and assists the priest during the Mass.

    If you feel this call, give Deacon Frank Dello Russo a call @ 781-438-2498. Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support for our church.

  • Sacristan/Sexton

    The sacristan carefully arranges the liturgical books, the vestments, and other things necessary in the celebration of Mass. Under the general direction of the clergy, they undertake the overall preparation of liturgical celebrations, including all that is needed for special days such as Ash Wednesday and Palm Sunday. The sacristan in harmony with the clergy makes sure that the vestments, church furnishings, liturgical vessels and ceremonial objects are kept in good condition.

    Other practical indications are that the sacristan ensures that the things necessary for worship are always available. There should be a ready supply of fresh hosts and of duly authorized wine, sufficient clean purificators, corporals, hand towels, incense and coals. He or she also makes sure that the sanctuary lamp is always lit. In order to carry out these duties, the sacristan needs to have a fairly good idea of the content and norms of the principal liturgical books and an understanding of the intricacies of the liturgical calendar. A good sacristan is a boon to any parish.

    Contact Deacon Frank Dello Russo at 781-438-2498.

  • Videographer

    Each week a volunteer videographer picks up a camera from Stoneham TV and videotapes our four o'clock vigil mass. Our videographers receive training from a member at Stoneham TV on how to use the camera. The videotaped mass is played on Stoneham TV's station several times each week. This important ministry allows our home bound parishioners the ability to experience our Sunday mass by viewing it on Stoneham TV's station. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer videographer, please contact Susanne Bromander in the Parish Office @ 781-438-0960.

Minister’s Schedules

Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Altar Servers and Music Ministers are scheduled via Ministry Scheduler Pro (MSP). See below for schedules and instructions on its use.

Currently active MSP schedules:

Please remember that once you are scheduled, you are responsible for making sure that you get someone to take your place if you are unable to serve. 

It is always best to enter your unavailable dates before the schedule is run so that you are not scheduled when you are not available to serve.

Requesting a sub is a convenience but until a sub accepts to serve in your place, you are still responsible for the role at the mass to which you have been assigned. 

A list of ministry contacts is available on the Web Terminal to help you to reach out to other ministers who share your role to assist you in securing a sub to take your place.

Tip! Get acquainted with people who serve at Mass times that you do and talk about covering for one another when the need arises.

Using Ministry Scheduler Pro To Manage Your Service

We have available a series of guides for using Ministry Scheduler Pro to manage your service to the church.

  • MSP Substitutions - Step-by-step guide to making substitution requests
     If you wish to volunteer for an open position (i.e. not one that someone has requested a substitution), find the position on the Full Schedules tab of the Web Terminal, or the Open Position tab of the App. Select the position and the Volunteer Now button.
  • MSP Trades - Step-by-step guide to making trades when substituting
  • MSP Preferences - Step-by-step guide to adding and removing service preferences
  • MSP Availability - Step-by-step guide to managing unavailable (can't serve) times

In addition, Rotunda Software has a short video explaining preferences and availability, and a downloadable Web Terminal Guide in PDF format.

If you have any questions about this procedure, please email

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